Join millions of people working in the gig economy with the choice in the work they do, who they do it for and from where they do it.

Are you ready to liberate yourself from a 9-5 job but don't know where to start?

Have you already decided to make the leap into freelancing or independent consulting but need a roadmap to get started?

The Gig Startup Toolkit is the help you've been looking for.  We cover all the bases you need to start freelancing or consulting today by providing insights, tools and templates based on our own experience and research.

What's Included?

No matter the focus of your freelance business or consultancy, the Gig Startup Toolkit has been designed to help you start freelancing or consulting today based on our practical experience.

Getting Setup

Making Plans & Setting Goals

Marshaling Resources

Setting Rates & Handling Money

Getting Clients

Doing the Work

Managing Time

Keeping Your Business Healthy

Startup Budget & Rate Setting Tool

Client Agreements

Sample Proposals

Invoice, Milelage Log, Expense Tracker


What if you don't buy it now and wake up next year stuck in the same place?

Give Yourself Permission to Unlock Your Potential and Start Living into Your Dreams!

Join the Tribe

60% of twenty-somethings and 40% of all employees will be their own boss by 2030.

The Time is Now

The day has come for you to take control of your destiny. Make a choice and take action now.

No Risk investment

Everything described here is available for download instantly for just $99 with a money back guarantee.

Stop waiting for the perfect timing to chase your dreams.

Jamie Griffin

"It has taken me years to learn the secrets and find these tools to maximize my potential & profit as a freelancer and independent consultant. You can have access to my tools and lessons in minutes."

Jamie Griffin, Founder of Consult to Grow, Growisely & the Gig Startup Toolkit

Frequently Asked Questions

Have more questions? Get in touch with us.

Who is the Gig Startup Toolkit for?

The freelancer or independent consultant with marketable skills & experience who wants to grow their own business but doesn't know where to start.

Do you want to?

Make your own schedule?

Make money on the side or leave your day job?

Maximize your success with proven tools?

Create a better work-life balance?

Build a business around your skills & experience?

Save time and money getting your business started?